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I'm Courtney, wife to Todd and mom to Rhiannon, Kess, Colin, and Connor. I love being a Momma and guiding my children through each stage of their life. I enjoy nature, dog training, hiking, and learning new things. With this blog I hope to preserve for my children the small moments of their life that pass quickly and quietly by.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Climb Ev'ry Mountain

The kids and I spent some time in Little Rock with my family this week. We went to the Little Rock Climbing Center. It was sooooo fun!! The girls have climbed before at Lewis and Clark, but the boys and I had never done it. I first took a $5.00 and 5 minute course on belaying. Which as the man so nicely put it, means I am holding the rope for the person climbing and basically supposed to catch them if they fall...yeah....that made me feel real safe for my children, "Just climb this huge wall honey, mommy will catch you. I'm certified and everything!" I just tried not to think about my inability to really catch them if they fell.

Kess, the adventurer was the first to go up. She quickly scaled the wall (by the way, that is a giant peanut by her left arm...not really sure why.) I'm still learning the ways of the climbers.

Colin and Connor were next to go up. They didn't make it very far up the first couple of times. They did great, but they were a little nervous about being up so high. We kept encouraging them to go up a little higher. I couldn't understand why they would quit when they were doing so well and were so close to the top. Well, when it was finally my turn and I got to the top, and then looked down...it all became very clear!

WOW!!! It was so high up, then I realized I was being held there by a rope, and that I would have to go down eventually. Of course, my dad being the funny guy he is....let me go down a little "extra" fast. He thought it was quite funny...I was not amused!

Rhiannon was a very determined climber and she enjoyed tackling the more challenging climbs. She did very well, she just wasn't quite tall enough for some of the reaches! We were all very sore and exhausted when we left, but we had a great time! Now if only we could find some good walls in NWA......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh,my gosh! That looks so fun! I need to take Caleb there sometime. I love reading your blog. In case Dr. Mom doesn't ring a bell -- Connie Tollett.